Oklahoma Collaborative Practice Agreement

Pratt-Reid told NewsOK that without a deal, nurses would have more opportunities to practice in certain parts of the state with high medical needs. “If they don`t plan to have a big mass movement in rural areas, it`s (the law) just to expand their scope of practice,” Rousseau said, according to NewsOK reports. “The nurse is also there to provide care, but under the supervision of the doctor. Basically, the NP says, “I want to be a doctor.” (2) The physician shall be in active clinical practice in which at least twenty (20) hours per week shall be related to direct contact with the patient. There are clearly parallel rules for the supervision of APNs and medical assistants with the requested authority. A notable difference is that this board of directors does not have prior notification or approval of the oversight agreement between physicians and NDAs. Advanced nurses are regulated by the Oklahoma State Board of Nursing and supervision agreements are issued by this group. Our Board of Directors regularly checks the list of physicians who oversee this group of nurses. It is therefore the positive responsibility of the Md who agrees to be the superior of the GSP to ensure that he/she respects the rules (OAC 435: 10-13-2). Failure to comply with and non-compliance with these requirements constitutes un professional behaviour. State rules describe the services that PA can provide. The health care provided by the medical assistant must be within the competence of the medical assistant and within the field of activity of the doctor. Okla.

Stat. tit. 59, §519.2 (3) In 2017, the United Health Foundation ranked Oklahoma in its annual report as the most respectful state in the country. Not only does the state have relatively high rates of smoking and obesity, but access to basic services is also a growing crisis in the region. . . .

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