Paris Agreement Nature Based Solutions

In addition to the Paris Agreement, countries have committed to achieving the SDGs by 2030. This set of objectives includes a challenging scenario and an ambitious vision that should be fully assessed and integrated into national decision-making. Therefore, climate-related objectives are more likely to be achieved if a coherent national policy of economic and social development on biodiversity and climate change is ensured. Therefore, the development of climate change policy should be consistent with other ecosystem plans (e.g. B.PTPT) on national mitigation and adaptation policies, and economic and social development plans should also recognize the role of nature-based solutions. This is a major change that requires a wide use of proven policy instruments, such as carbon tax systems, cap-and-trade systems, feed-in tariffs and quota forecasts for the rest of the current decade. This transformation also includes the universal development of decarbonization strategies for all industrialized cities around the world and large groups, greater national commitments to climate neutrality, and appropriate strategies for sustainable diets. The big changes would take place between 2020 and 2030, where savings would increase energy efficiency through carbon prices and taxation, and where public and private investment in research and development of climate solutions is expected to increase by an order of magnitude, including bioenergy energy using CCS (CCS) or direct-air CCS. Between 2030 and 2040, all work will have to become climate neutral or negative, coal will flow and BECCS systems will be put in place. Between 2040 and 2050, national greenhouse gas emission commitments from networks will be met and BECCS systems will be modulated. Naumann, S., Kaphengst, T., McFarland, K. &Stadler, J.

2014. Nature-based approaches to climate change mitigation and adaptation. The Federal Office for Nature Protection, Bonn, Germany Nature-based solutions are an essential part of the overall overall effort to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate protection. They are an important complement to decarbonisation, reducing the risks of climate change and creating climate-resilient societies. They attach importance to harmony between man and nature and ecological development and constitute a comprehensive human-centred response to climate change. They are efficient, long-term, cost-effective and scalable globally. Learn how the world`s nations are planning for the effects of climate change and the focus on nature-based solutions These natural solutions for climate change can also complement and even, in some cases, replace them with existing technical approaches. Given that policymakers tend to implement traditional technical adaptation solutions rather than investing in natural solutions, they need to be alerted to these approaches The NBS coalition, led by China and New Zealand, with the support of more than 70 governments, launched the NBS for Climate Manifesto, a plan to unlock the full potential of nature to fight climate change. The private sector, civil society and international organizations, accompanied by nearly 200 initiatives and best practices around the world.

The development of a regenerative economy requires nature to regain its strength and actively encourage healing processes. This new justification for economic development can be put in place by an integrated agenda of action taking into account the current era of the Anthropocene. Human activities have reached and exceeded some planetary boundaries, but at the same time, a number of international agreements are creating new opportunities for the post-2015 period. The Paris Agreement itself calls for a strong consideration of carbon sinks in order to achieve both the 2°C and 1.5°C scenarios. This cannot be done without nature-based solutions, as carbon sinks are dangerous to cope with climate change and have complex effects. Nature-based solutions combine climate protection, adaptation, disaster prevention, biodiversity protection and sustainable resource management.. . . .

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