Udayton Consortium Agreement

The University of Dayton Consortium Agreement: What It Is and Why It Matters

If you`re a student at the University of Dayton (UD), chances are you`ve heard of the Consortium Agreement. But what exactly is it, and why is it important?

In short, the Consortium Agreement is a legal agreement between UD and another institution that allows students to receive financial aid while taking courses at both schools. This is particularly relevant for students who are studying abroad or participating in off-campus programs, as it ensures that their financial aid will transfer with them.

So, let`s take a closer look at some of the key details of the UD Consortium Agreement:

Who is eligible for the Consortium Agreement?

The Consortium Agreement is available to any UD student who is enrolled in a program that meets the following criteria:

– The program must be approved by UD and the other institution.

– The program must be part of the student`s degree program at UD.

– The student must be enrolled in at least half-time at UD (i.e. taking at least six credit hours).

What types of financial aid can be used with the Consortium Agreement?

The types of financial aid that can be used with the Consortium Agreement include federal grants, loans, and work-study programs, as well as some state and institutional aid. However, it`s important to note that students cannot receive more aid than they are eligible for at their home institution (i.e. UD).

How does the Consortium Agreement work?

Let`s say you`re a UD student who wants to study abroad in Spain for a semester. You find a program at a Spanish university that is approved by both UD and the Spanish institution. You fill out the necessary paperwork and submit it to UD`s Financial Aid office, along with your financial aid award letter. UD will then work with the Spanish institution to confirm your enrollment and financial aid eligibility. Once everything is approved, your financial aid will be disbursed to the Spanish institution to cover your tuition and fees.

Why is the Consortium Agreement important?

The Consortium Agreement is important for several reasons. First, it allows students to receive financial aid for off-campus programs, which can be a major help in covering the costs of studying abroad or participating in other programs. Additionally, it ensures that students` financial aid will transfer with them, eliminating the need to apply for aid at multiple institutions. Finally, it helps to streamline the process of transferring credits between institutions.

In conclusion, the University of Dayton Consortium Agreement is an important tool for students who are participating in off-campus programs. By allowing students to receive financial aid and ensuring that their aid will transfer with them, it makes it easier for students to pursue their academic goals without worrying about the financial implications. If you`re a UD student who is considering an off-campus program, be sure to explore the Consortium Agreement as a potential option.

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